Discovering: Polytechnic - 'Running Out Of Ideas'
Bad: famished, yet without appetite.
Worse: bored and restless, yet too tired to even think straight.
Worst: ideas bubbling and emotions whirling within, yet unable to translate them to words.
Bad: famished, yet without appetite.
I could bloody murder those American School brats.
Should I or should I not?
Don't you just hate it when there's that something - however nugatory, however faint - that you clearly feel and/or unambiguously understand, and desperately need to express it, explain it ... but, for the life of you, cannot?
I wonder why before (and/or after) a storm, the sky would be tinged with a sulfuric yellow, coloring the world ominously, painting a picture of impending apocalypse.
Traveling on the highway, the dark heavy clouds - not “concrete-colored sky”; bluer: a slate-blue - look especially low, bearing down, like a bully, on this island.
According to Mr. P., we each have our own writing style; and, apparently, each of us are particularly good at certain things.
A new Level 6-er clung to my fingers today as I brought him into the play-area and introduce him to Sara's regulars; and, as I encouraged him to warm up on our set-ups, he listened to me when I told him to try them out on his own but still reached out for me when I let go - even though I would have been as unfamiliar to him as everybody else and everything around him.
The most interesting that has happened this Sunday yet is ... uh, well, I found a bit of corn chip in my bellybutton.
I may arrive at work to find Jessica already flown home.
Why is it that I'm so much more tired on my day off?
She stood under the shelter of the bus stop, staring glumly out at the rain. It looked like it'd never let up.
The notebook laid open on my lap, the pencil in my hand forgotten as I got lost staring out the window as the bus sped across the highway. My tired eyes saw everything as indistinct smudges of color.
I know it's dumb that I compulsively and obsessively read the daily horoscopes every morning before leaving for work; I know. But it's like sorta like carrying a foldable brolly around or buying insurance - it's a precaution.
I had three straight classes today, covering for Sara. After all that, I had Rita being In. My. Face.
A trip-hoppy day - a lot of dark, moody music, heavy on the beats, please.
Did the chips and couch-potato thing yesterday, topping the day off with Nine Emotions. Shot by Santosh Sivan - which surprised me a bit - the same guy who had done a number of big-budget Bollywood flicks like Asoka, Bride and Prejudice, Dil Se, Fiza and Meenaxi: A Tale of Three Cities.
I boarded a bus I've never taken before today and I'm very glad I did. I've found another way to go home - and a more scenic route, at that - and a change.
Mr. P. kinda assigned me some research today. I've abandoned my Shankar write-up for researching the myths and legends of France and Spain (and, possibly, Russia).
This morning, I climbed to the upper deck of the bus. It was gray outside along Orchard Boulevard, I looked through rain-splattered windows; inside, the air-conditioning was freezing.
Woke up with this song in my head.
some moments last forever
and some flare out with love love love
Sundays always seem to pass so fast. Maybe it's 'cuz the one day of the week I spend the most time watching the telly. This Sunday, at least, I managed to put away half a Jonathan Keller thriller.
This morning, a coach filled with uniformed military (or police) personnel pulled up beside the bus I was in, and then away.
I don't know which is making me feel the way I feel - my job (that one), my constant tiredness, or PMS.
Lunch was on WJ.
Add one Priya to the snake pit, and I feel like a slow-witted bunny in there.
When Lynn had remarked, in surprise, to Mr. P., "You are very observant", it clicked for me.
I really don't wanna go to work today - or this entire week, for that matter.
Days off are meant for sleeping in, right? But sleeping in means I cheat myself of that couple of hours during which I could've done some more productive.
How good a day will it be when you're looping a song such as 'Play Dead' early in the morning?